The Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association (RCMA) believes there are unintended consequences of further Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) reductions in roof coatings. In a liquid phase, VOCs help protect roof coatings during shipment by providing freeze thaw resistance. On the jobsite, VOCs help condition or soften the substrate and improve adhesion of the roof coating. VOCs are integral to specific raw materials used in the roof coatings products. Over the last few decades, ninety percent of VOC content has been eliminated from roof coatings. To learn more about how further reduction of VOCs can have a wide variety of unintended consequences, please click here.
VOC Regulation Maps
The RCMA has developed interactive VOC Regulation Maps that track the local rules governing Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings as well as Adhesives and Sealants. Clicking on a state, or in some cases a color-coded region of a state, will load select portions of the state’s rule beneath the map, including VOC limits for several product categories, labeling and record keeping requirements, volume exemptions, and active links to the full text of the applicable rule. The maps are updated frequently to reflect the latest regulatory news across the country.
Accessing the Maps
Access to the VOC Regulation Maps is a benefit of membership with the RCMA. If you are currently an RCMA Member, please login here to access the VOC maps. The VOC maps can be accessed under the Resources tab (please refresh your browser if the maps are not showing up).
If you are not currently an RCMA Member and would like more information about joining, please click here.